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A Sad State Of Affairs

We live in a treacherous time. When consuming “information”, we must highly scrutinize said info. Where is it coming from? Who is behind it? How is it funded? We live in a landscape rife with misinformation, propaganda, and disinformation. All the major and mainstream sources of “news” are now opinion and agenda based rather than rooted in research and facts. Network news, Cable news, and even PBS news is extremely one-sided and filled with falsehoods. It should behoove us to seek out alternate and wider sources of information. We should also have the humility and desire to seek out all sides to a story and not just propagate and perpetuate narratives that suit us or are in line with traditional thought. There are always many sides to any story. The world is not black and white. And it’s ok to admit to oneself that we may be wrong at times. We also live in a time and world now in which the least educated, the least travelled, and the least experienced are experts on anything and everything. The post World War history and especially the “history” we are taught and have to read in moronic dumbed-down text books in high school and college in the USA was written by the victors of said wars. It is a very biased, narrow, and one-sided view. We are extremely uneducated when it comes to history and historical events. We must understand that the strife of the present day around the world is largely due to the colonialism and imperialism of the West and its horrific, criminal, murderous, oppressive, racist, self-serving, and looting effect on the peoples at the receiving end of that conquest, invasion, subjugation, and "civilization". The victors of WWII have been inflicting suffering and misery on the people of Latin America, Africa, The Middle East, and Asia before and ever since. We are still psychologically and dangerously rooted in thoughts and concepts of those different from us as being the “other”, savages, sub-human, and deserving of our mental and physical violence. It is simply not right. The reprehensible blood-lust and unfettered hypocrisy of the West must stop. All people bleed red. All people love their children and families. All people want to be free and it is a heinous myth that “other” people “hate” freedom. All people want justice. All people want to be happy. We should all be appalled by any and all human suffering and if you aren’t, you should take a long hard look at yourself.



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